Today I will begin by saying " Happy New Year " to my wonderful followers.
On this first post of 2018 is to bring awareness, education, and myth busting about Organ Donation.
As December 15, 2017 Donè Vìda ( Donate Life America) a nonprofit federally-designated organization in charge of the recovery of organs, eye and tissue for transplantation, statistics say that there are 115,757 people on the waiting list for organ transplant in the United States. Just alone in the Washington, D.C area there are 2,203 people waiting for a life saving organ transplant. As you can see there is an extreme need for organ donation.
Unfortunately, many people doesn't know how important it is to register as a donor. Generally, donors are people who die suddenly and unexpectedly. Therefore, their families are faced with making the decision in a moment of pain and sadness.
If you are inspired to register as a Organ Donor but still skeptical about donating your organs, here are the most commonly asked question.
First question
If I have a heart on my driver's license, the doctors will not try to save my life?
On this first post of 2018 is to bring awareness, education, and myth busting about Organ Donation.
As December 15, 2017 Donè Vìda ( Donate Life America) a nonprofit federally-designated organization in charge of the recovery of organs, eye and tissue for transplantation, statistics say that there are 115,757 people on the waiting list for organ transplant in the United States. Just alone in the Washington, D.C area there are 2,203 people waiting for a life saving organ transplant. As you can see there is an extreme need for organ donation.
Unfortunately, many people doesn't know how important it is to register as a donor. Generally, donors are people who die suddenly and unexpectedly. Therefore, their families are faced with making the decision in a moment of pain and sadness.
If you are inspired to register as a Organ Donor but still skeptical about donating your organs, here are the most commonly asked question.
First question
If I have a heart on my driver's license, the doctors will not try to save my life?
• Actually, Medical professionals do not have access to this information and cannot proceed with organ donation without calling Donè Vìda.
Second question
I'm too old or too sick to donate?
• You are never too sick or too old to donate. Almost all of organ donation cases
happen after death and medical professionals will determinate if someone can be
an organ donor.
Third question
My religion does not support donation?
• All mayor religions support donation. If you have any question, please talk to your religious leader or spiritual adviser.
Last question
There is a cost to be an organ, eye and tissue donor?
• There is no cost to the donor's family for donation. The donor family pays only for medical expenses before death and cost associated with funeral arrangements.
Today I'm invite you to learn more about organ donation ... Click on Donate Life to learn more !
I hope that one day you will contribute to Donating life to another person who need it.
Remember giving others the opportunity to live on after you leave this world is the ultimate act of selfless love.
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